
System Design(25)
System Design(25)
1.Resume Project Deep Dive
2.Easy Coding Problem
3.Operating System Basics
4.LeetCode-style coding question
5.Maxwell's Equations and Applications
6.RF and Antenna Design Concepts
7.GUI Development with Python for Antenna Design
8.Design a Method to Rank Vehicles by Data Contribution
9.Implement a KV Store with Transactions
10.System and Network Related Questions
11.Tic Tac Toe Winner Evaluation Function
12.Thread Ordering with Locks
13.State Machine Simulation
14.Navigating Out of a Maze with Directions at Each Point
15.System Design Based on a Given Diagram
16.Difference Between dict and list in Python
17.Difference Between struct and union in C/C++
18.Purpose of Static Variables and Methods in C/C++
19.Design a Memory Allocator
20.One-Dimensional Interpolation Function
21.State Machine for a Gumball Vending Machine
22.Debugging a Square Calculation Function
23.Bit Manipulation Function
24.Macro Conversion from Celsius to Fahrenheit
25.Graph Problem Involving String Parsing and Topological Sort
26.Code Submission Task for Cell Engineering Team
27.Implement a Producer-Consumer Model
28.Infotainment QA Position Interview Questions
29.Multithreading List Construction
30.State Machine Implementation
32.Binary Tree Level Order Traversal
33.Estimating Heat Convection Coefficients
34.Caesar Cipher Grouping
35.Unit Testing for a Given Function
36.String Analysis for Equal Counts of A and B
37.Explaining Merge Sort and Quick Sort
38.Detecting a Cycle in a Linked List
39.Frontend Coding Challenge
40.Construct a Square Polygon from Given Points
41.Design and Implementation Details of a Challenging Project
42.Explain Data Structures with Daily Life Examples
43.Web Development Task for Tesla
44.Difference between Map and HashMap
45.Design a Driver Side of a Ride-Hailing App
46.Difference between stack and heap in memory
47.Mathematics: Matrix Transformations
48.Python Test Framework Development
49.Stopping Distance Solver Implementation
50.Calculate Maximum Number of Four-Person Families on a Plane
51.Implement HTTP Link Generator
52.Algorithm Problem: Dead Corpse Nine
53.Design a Taxi App for Drivers
54.Memory Management: Stack vs Heap
55.Simple Algorithm Problems
56.Troubleshooting with American Colleagues
57.Troubleshooting in Projects
58.Distributed Locks, Cache Penetration, and Consistency
59.Designing a Structure for Objects with Properties
60.Thread Communication Program
61.Array Zeroes Rearrangement
62.String Parsing Program
63.Function to Square a Value
64.Implement a Linked List
65.Running Sum Convergence
66.Design an Inventory System for Factory Sensors
67.Find the Difference of Two Arrays
68.Design a Distributed Message Queue System like Kafka
69.Handling High Traffic in System Design
70.Implement a Memory Pool in C++
1. Resume Project Deep Dive
Discuss the projects listed on your resume in detail. What were your specific contributions, challenges faced, and the technologies used?
2. Easy Coding Problem
Solve an easy coding problem. Please describe your approach and discuss the time and space complexity of your solution.
3. Operating System Basics
What are some basic concepts in operating systems that you are familiar with? Please explain them briefly.
4. LeetCode-style coding question
The interview involved LeetCode-style coding questions, specifically mentioned were '利口 尔尔斯' and '利口 幺霸奇'. However, without the specific details of the coding problems, it is not possible to provide a direct answer or solution.
5. Maxwell's Equations and Applications
Provide Faraday's Law formula and explain it briefly; explain Frii's transmission equation and its applications; provide the radar equation and its applications.