
System Design(35)
System Design(35)
1.Design a 2048 Game
2.Optimizing Algorithm for Large Files
3.Design a Jigsaw Puzzle Solver
4.Determine the Functionality of Code Snippets
5.Design an Object-Oriented Model for a Jigsaw Puzzle
6.Analyze Code Snippets and Discuss Method Logic and Complexity
7.Draw Canvas
8.Design Twitter MVP
9.Coding Challenge: ASCII Canvas Printer
10.API Design: Task Management on a Page
11.OOD: Chess Game Design
12.Algorithm Optimization: Max Heap Approach
13.OOD: Design the API for the Game 2048
14.Algorithm Design: Prefix and Suffix Product
15.Validate Binary Search Tree
16.Implement ASCII Printer (Canvas Painting)
17.Object-Oriented Design of Chess Game
18.API and Database Schema Design
19.Object-Oriented Design of Jigsaw Puzzle
20.Preference for Front-end, Back-end, or Full-stack Development
21.Technical Stack Requirements and Preferences
22.Resume Walkthrough
23.Design the backend for the game 2048
24.Implement an algorithm to calculate the product of an array except self
25.ASCII Printer Implementation
26.Jigsaw Puzzle Algorithm
27.Designing Twitter Features
28.Design a Simplified Chess Game
29.Design a TODO List API
30.ASCII Printer
31.Design a Backend Data Model for a Chess Game
32.Design the data model for a backend system of a chess-like game
33.Design a Rabbit Snake Snail Game
34.Design a Real-time Task List System
35.Sort a 'K' Distance Sorted Array
36.ASCII Printer
37.Design a 2048 API
38.Design and Work Breakdown for Asana Timeline
39.Design a Todo List Application
40.Implement the 2048 game
41.Optimize the power function
42.Design the game 2048
43.Discuss the complexity of LeetCode Problem 238
44.Coding and OOD for Game Design
45.Design Collaborative To-Do List OOD
46.Canvas Drawing Coding Problem
47.Design Jigsaw Puzzle OOD
48.Algorithm and System Design for a Chess-like Game
49.System Design: Task Timeline
50.ASCII Printer Implementation
51.Design 2048 API
52.Object-Oriented Design for a Puzzle Game
53.Analyze simple code snippets, write test cases, and discuss time and space complexity
54.Design a game similar to chess but with rabbits, cats, and snails
55.Discuss Twitter's design
56.System Design for Asana's Task System
57.Implement a Canvas for Drawing Rectangles
58.Design a Cron Job System
60.K-Indices Away Array Sorting
61.K-Nearest Neighbors Algorithm
62.Design a Scalable Twitter System
63.Canvas and Rectangle Operations
64.Object-Oriented Design for a Chess Game
65.Object-Oriented Design for a Jigsaw Puzzle
66.Design an Object-Oriented Solution for a Puzzle Game
67.Identify the Purpose of Code Segments
68.Object-Oriented Design for Jigsaw Puzzle
69.Code Reading and Tree Search Complexity
70.Array Multiplication Excluding Current Index
71.Design a Todo List API and Data Structure
72.Design a jigsaw puzzle solver
73.Explain code snippets of common problems
74.Object-Oriented Design of a Jigsaw Puzzle
75.Simplified Version of Animal Chess Game Design
76.Designing Twitter
77.Filtering Non-Duplicate IP Addresses
78.ASCII Printer Design
79.OOD Puzzle Design
80.Design Twitter
81.Find All Unique IP Addresses in a File
82.Design an Object-Oriented Puzzle Game
83.Android Development Task
84.Animal Chess Game Design
85.K Closest Points to Origin
86.Design a variant of chess game involving a rabbit, a snail, and a turtle.
87.Backend System Design for a To-Do List
88.ASCII Printer Project
89.Design a Game
90.Design a simplified version of a task management system similar to Asana.
91.Sort a given set of elements using the Insertion Sort algorithm and optimize it using a heap data structure.
92.Snake Game Coding Challenge
93.System Design: Task List
94.Object-Oriented Design: Animal Chess Game
95.Points Closest to Origin
96.ASCII Printer Implementation
97.ASCII Printer Language Program
98.System Design: Asana-like Task Management System
99.OOD Cats and Rabbits Game
100.K Closest Points to Origin
101.OOD Game 2048
102.Product of Array Except Self
1. Design a 2048 Game
Design a 2048 game. Analyze the requirements, design the classes, and the relevant functions.
2. Optimizing Algorithm for Large Files
Given an algorithmic problem that is easy to code, how would you optimize the solution if the file is very large? Consider using multiple servers and discuss potential strategies.
3. Design a Jigsaw Puzzle Solver
Design a jigsaw puzzle solver with a focus on the data model. You should consider creating a table for puzzle pieces, a table for edges, and a table to record the relationship between puzzles and edges. It is important to include a variable in the edge table to record the relative positions of the four different sides. Additionally, assuming you have access to a predefined function match(edge1, edge2) -> bool that tells you whether two edges match, describe how you would implement the solve() function.
4. Determine the Functionality of Code Snippets
You are given a code snippet and are asked to determine the function it performs. This part includes three regular questions and one bonus question, making a total of four questions.
5. Design an Object-Oriented Model for a Jigsaw Puzzle
The interview involved discussing an object-oriented design (OOD) for a jigsaw puzzle. You were asked to consider how to return the puzzle payload to the client and to describe a high-level algorithm for solving the puzzle. Key points to address included explaining the method for rotating pieces, finding the next piece, and determining the orientation of the next piece. Unlike the example in 'Cracking the Code Interview', the puzzle size was not given, so a direct for loop was not feasible, and a while loop approach should be used instead.