JP Morgan数据相关面试真题

ML basics(6)
Product Case(4)
ML basics(6)
Product Case(4)
1.Probability and Finance Knowledge
2.Statistical Modeling Related Questions
3.Game Winner
4.Almost Equivalent Strings
5.Rearranging a Word
6.Fun with Anagrams
7.Sum of All Subarrays
8.Ideal Number Count Within a Range
9.Probability Problem with Coin Flips
10.Correlation Matrix Characteristics
11.Business Case: Fraud Detection
12.Word Embedding and Transformer Structure
13.Bayesian Statistics
14.Stochastic Gradient Descent (SGD)
15.Principal Component Analysis (PCA)
16.L1 and L2 Regularization
17.Lottery Coupons
18.Probability Questions from the Green Book
19.Linear Regression Matrix Expression and QR Decomposition Optimization
20.Random Processes from the Green Book
21.Digit Sum Matching
22.Count Numbers with No Repeating Digits
23.Almost Equivalent Strings
24.Triangle Area Calculation
25.Calculate Score Difference
26.Stock Price Average Calculation
27.Understanding Weighted Average Cost of Capital (WACC)
28.Portfolio Construction for Minimizing Volatility Correlation
29.Hedging Vega
30.Understanding of Options and Delta Hedging
31.What is Ito Integral and what does a Weiner process's Ito Integral look like?
32.Basic options problem
33.Bayesian probability problem with 1000 coins, one of which is double-headed
34.What are the steps for data validation and cleaning?
35.What are the components of assets and liabilities in a bank, and how do interest rate changes affect them?
36.What is stationarity and how do you test for it?
37.Pessimistic and Optimistic Locking in MySQL
38.Describe linear regression and explain back propagation, cost function, and how to obtain the predicted value.
1. Probability and Finance Knowledge
Can you discuss your knowledge of probability and finance in relation to the experiences listed on your resume?
2. Statistical Modeling Related Questions
Can you discuss your experience with statistical modeling as mentioned in your resume?
3. Game Winner
Two players, Wendy and Bob, are playing a game with a string of white and black pieces. Wendy moves first and can remove a white piece with white pieces on both sides. Bob can remove a black piece with black pieces on both sides. The game ends when a player can no longer make a move, and the other player wins. Determine who wins if both play with optimum skill. Return 'wendy' or 'bob'.
4. Almost Equivalent Strings
Two strings are considered 'almost equivalent' if they have the same length and for each lowercase letter x, the number of occurrences of x in the two strings differs by no more than 3. Given two arrays of n strings, arrays s and t, where strings s[i] and t[i] make a pair, determine if they are almost equivalent. Return an array of n strings, either 'YES' or 'NO', one for each pair.
5. Rearranging a Word
Given a word, return the next alphabetically greater string in all permutations of that word. If there is no greater permutation, return the string 'no answer' instead. For example, for the word 'baca', the next alphabetically greater permutation is 'bcaa'.