Akuna Capital计算机科学面试真题

System Design(14)
System Design(14)
1.AWS CDK Utilization in Backend Projects
2.Etcd Read-Only Node Reasoning
3.Kubernetes Secret Management
4.AWS Web App: Load Balancing and Traffic Management
5.Terraform Security Configuration Mapping
6.Graph Coloring Count Algorithm
7.Delivery Management System Algorithm
8.Integer Sequence Scoring Algorithm
9.Selling Stocks
10.Regnal Names
11.Numbers Game
12.Special Sequence
13.Delivery Management System
14.Maximum Distinct Elements in Array
15.Keyboard Time Calculation
16.2x2 Matrix Multiplication Recall
17.Find the number of zeros at the end of 100!
18.Write a list comprehension to calculate the power of 2 and extend it to calculate the power of 3.
19.Discuss list comprehension in Python and how to implement inheritance.
20.Explain Object-Oriented Programming (OOP) and its benefits, specifically encapsulation.
21.Delivery Order Based on Distance and Priority
22.Minimum Chunks Required for Document Upload
23.Keypad Entry Time Calculation
24.Tangent Line to a Function at a Given Point
25.Counting Numbers Divisible by Specific Integers
26.Linear Transformation Matrix Null Space
27.Count and Say Sequence
28.Implementing a Rate Limiter
29.Locking a Message Buffer
30.Implementing a Timer
31.Concurrency Control with Locking
32.File System Path Count
33.Counting 1 Bits
34.Number of Ending Zeros in 100!
35.Tangent Line to a Function
36.Summation with Exclusions
37.Delivery Management System
38.Document Chunking
39.Frequency Sort
40.Arranging Digits with Multiples or Divisors
41.Delivery Problem Optimization
42.Design a classic rate limiter
43.Implement a multi-type map
44.Delivery Management System
45.Frequency Sorting
46.Bucket Fill
47.Document Chunking
48.Design a Class with Insert and Query Operations
49.Remove Duplicates from an Array
1. AWS CDK Utilization in Backend Projects
Using AWS CDK as an example, what are some of the components provided by CDK that you would use for a backend project?
2. Etcd Read-Only Node Reasoning
Why would an etcd node be set to read-only?
3. Kubernetes Secret Management
How does Kubernetes manage secrets?
4. AWS Web App: Load Balancing and Traffic Management
Given an architectural diagram of a web application with two Availability Zones (AZ A with 2 targets and AZ B with 3 targets), if cross-zone load balancing is enabled, how much traffic does each of the targets receive?
5. Terraform Security Configuration Mapping
What is the correct way to reference the AMI ID from a data source in a Terraform configuration?