
System Design(29)
System Design(29)
1.Task Scheduling
2.String Patterns
3.Perfect Pairs
4.Currency Exchange Rate Conversion
5.Clone a Tree Structure
6.String Formation
7.Perfect Pairs
8.Cross the Threshold
9.Cross the Threshold
10.String Pattern
11.Job Execution
12.Implement Methods for a CustomSet Class
13.Check if a Number Has Parity
14.Versioned Key-Value Store
15.Implement a Rate Limiter
16.Optimize the Jump Game for Parallel Processing
17.Design a Job Scheduling System
18.Thread Count
19.Distributed Counting of Tree Nodes
20.Design a Feed System
21.Implement a Python class `DocMatch` for Document String Processing
22.Role Relationship Graph Search
23.Design a Quota Service
24.Graph Coloring Problem
25.Construct a binary tree from a given array representation and check if another tree is a valid subtree
26.Design a MinStack with O(1) complexity for retrieving the minimum element and O(log(N)) for push and pop operations
27.String Patterns Language
28.Thread Count in Micro-Services System
29.String Transformation with Suffix to Prefix Moves
30.Task Master with Topological Sorting and Cycle Detection
31.String Pattern Matching
32.Design a Data Ingestion System
33.Word Breaker with Periodic Table Elements
34.Dynamic Programming with Compression and Sorting for Large 't'
35.Minimum Set Size for Covering Intervals
36.Frequency Array Optimization with Binary Search
37.Binary Search Implementation
38.Task Dependency Resolution
39.Coding: Compare Leaf Nodes
40.System Design: Task Scheduler
41.Design a Quota Service with Strong Consistency and High Availability
42.Design a Data Structure to Add and Search Strings
43.Design a Cloud Storage Quota System
44.Find All Direct Reports of a Manager
45.Merge Intervals with Scores
46.Path Permutations
47.Design a Logging Mechanism for a Cloud Service
48.Topological Sorting Algorithm
49.Trie Data Structure Implementation
50.Design a single-node key-value store
51.Design a Data Structure for a Database
52.Design a Minimum Stack
53.Implement Topological Sorting
54.File Storage System
55.Design a System for Collecting and Analyzing Temperature Data from Sensors
56.MapReduce Solution for Large Input Array
57.Coding: Practical Python Question
58.Coding: LeetCode Medium Problem
59.System Design: Task Scheduler
60.Key Value Store with Transactions
61.Design a Size Limiting Service
62.Populate Next Right Pointers in Each Node of a Binary Tree
63.Design a Key-Value Store
64.Minimum Number of Operations to Complete Jobs
65.Count the Number of Nodes in a Tree
66.Airport Limousine Rider Collection
67.Find Maximum Length Subsequence with Constraint
68.Unequal Elements
69.Split Array with Max Subarray Length K
70.Sequential Strings
71.Coloring Houses
72.String Patterns
73.Array Reduction Algorithm
74.Point Inside Triangle Determination
75.Find Maximum Length Subsequence with Unequal Adjacent Elements
76.Implement a Simple Meeting Assistant
77.Calculate Node Count in an N-ary Tree
78.Design a Data Structure to Simulate Chrome's Tab Behavior
79.String Transformation
80.Thread Count Problem
81.Implement a Hash Map
82.Design a Task Scheduler
83.Longest Transmission Path in a Radio Wave Network
84.System Design: File Storage System Without Using Existing DB Solutions
85.Coding Challenge: Implement Functions '久以其' and '以舞舞'
86.Quota Service System Design
87.LRU Cache Variant with Resize Function
88.Access Control System Design
89.String Transformation Based on Constraints
90.Thread Count Problem
91.String Pattern Matching
92.Design a Key-Value Store with Specific Features
93.Design a Key-Value Store
94.Binary Tree Value Update
95.Topological Sorting and Course Schedule
96.Node Class Communication
1. Task Scheduling
Implement a memorized search to find the minimum cost for scheduling tasks. You need to record the minimum cost up to the i-th task with j remaining free time, where j can be negative.
2. String Patterns
Design a two-dimensional dynamic programming solution where the first dimension represents the total length and the second dimension represents the length of consecutive vowels. Take into account the boundary case when converting long results to int.
3. Perfect Pairs
Given an array arr of length n, find the number of perfect pairs (arr[i], arr[j]) where 0 <= i < j < n. A pair (x, y) is considered perfect if min(|x-y|, |x+y|) is less than min(|x|, |y|) and max(|x-y|, |x+y|) is equal to max(|x|, |y|).
4. Currency Exchange Rate Conversion
Design and implement a solution for currency exchange rate conversion. The problem should be approached as finding the shortest path for conversion rates between currencies. You are expected to communicate with the interviewer to clarify requirements and confirm the final implementation approach. Implement the solution using BFS and explain the parameter changes in each loop step by step.
5. Clone a Tree Structure
Given a tree structure representing metadata organized as shown below, write a function to clone the entire tree structure rooted at a given entity using Java. Metadata organized as a tree structure Database1 ___________|___________ | | | Schema1 Schema2 Schema3 ____|_ __|__ __|___________ | | | | | | Table1Table2 Table3 Table4 Table5 Table6 You should implement the cloning process and also write a verification function to ensure the tree has been cloned correctly. You may use either DFS or BFS for the implementation.